Access to the CIT Labs is controlled by the use of Electronic Card Locks. All CIT students with an encoded Access Card have access anytime (24/7), Monday to Sunday, to IB2111 and IB2131 (the "programming" labs); students who are enrolled in any CIT2200-level classes will have similar access to IB2133 (the "sandbox" lab).

Please note: access may be temporarily suspended during exam periods (finals and/or midterm) as necessary.

Step #1:

If you don't already have a student ID card, submit your Selfie ID request
** IF you are a returning student, and you already have an RFID/Access card from a previous year, move on to step #2 if your card doesn't already automagically open CIT lab doors for you!

There are two different types of card available - a regular Student ID Card, and an Access Card. While submitting your Selfie ID request, please indicate you'd like a Student Access Card. The regular ID cards do not have the RFID chip necessary for our card locks, and if you don't select Access Card, you'll end up with two cards - a mostly useless ID card, and a very helpful Access Card.

Step #2:

Once Add/Drop is over, you'll be given access to 2 (or all 3) of our labs! At that point, you'll need to fill out this form:

If you wish to access a CIT lab after hours, but the IB is locked, attend the Security desk at the front of the main LC Building; present your student ID card, and request access to the room you need. They will verify that you're on "the list", and then they should allow you access.

If you have any problems or questions regarding CIT Lab access, feel free to ask any of your CIT instructors, or see Terry in IB2146.