2nd year CIT students working in the sandbox lab (IB2133) have access to Wifi that's inside the sandbox network! Use this to test connectivity from your wireless devices, surf the net a little faster, or access your VMs via your laptop - it's there for you!

To access the Wifi network, you'll have to add a hidden network (or SSID) named CITSandbox.

Depending upon the type of device you're connecting, you'll need some (or all) of the following information:

Security type is 802.1x EAP or WPA Enterprise NOTE: WPA2 Enterprise also works, and is the minimum requirement for iPAD users!
EAP method is PEAP
Phase 2 Authentication is MSCHAPV2
CA and User Certificates are not used (leave blank, or select Unspecified)
Identity is your s#
Password is the same password you use to login to the CIT.local domain in the sandbox lab.
If prompted, accept the RADIUS2.CIT.local Certificate.

If you're in a second-year (2200-level) class in the sandbox but don't have access to the CIT domain, just talk to Terry.

Remember: This is an educational resource, and it's still behind the sandbox labs' firewall - use it wisely!