Android Studio

The android studio can be downloaded from the android studio web site (2021.2.1.15) is currently installed in IB2131 and IB2111):

If you have any questions or concerns not addressed here, please talk to either your instructor, or Terry.

Getting on the Eduroam wireless network

Visit the official Connect to Wifi page -

If you would rather not do the configuration manually, download the "Get Eduroam" app. It guides you through the process and makes connecting simple. The catch is, you need wifi to download the app - but don't worry, that's why we have Guest! Connect to guest, download and install the "Get Eduroam", and follow along. And, keep the app - every once in a while, you might need it again. (**Note: the guest network is VERY slow, and should only be used in the case of emergency, ie: eduroam doesn't work, for whatever reason.)

If you're unfamiliar with Eduroam, it's cool - because it will let you connect to may academic institutions' wifi networks, using only your LC credentials! If you're ever over at the U of L, for instance, your device should just connect - sweet, right?! :D